Organizers |
- In cooperation with:
Sponsors |
- UNESCO, Paris, France
- EC, DG RTD, INCO Programme, Bruxelles
- Companies
- Journals
- Energy
Scope and Objectives |
Throughout history
Dubrovnik has been the place where prominent individuals and luminaries in
different fields have come to exchange ideas, money, and merchandise. In
modern times, it has hosted many distinguished guests attending different
gatherings. In particular in the field of energy and environment,
Dubrovnik has become known as a center of excellence and its many
Conferences have produced new ideas and scientific, as well as
technological, breakthroughs. The "Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable
Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems" is
devoted to the ultimate goal of modern society: sustainable development of
energy, water and environment systems.
water and environment are commodities essential for continuous development
of human society. The concept of "sustainable resource use" is a challenge
that we must meet, if the present development of modern society is
not to compromise the rights of future generations to natural
resources. The Conference will focus on the following
- To promote a new field
of sustainability science that seeks to understand the fundamental
character of interactions between nature and society
- To
discuss sustainability concept of energy, water and environment and its
relation to the global development
- To
analyze potential scientific and technological processes reflecting
energy, water and environment exchange
- To
present energy, water and environment system models and their
- To
present multi criteria assessment of energy, water and environment
systems taking into a consideration economic, social, environmental and
resource use aspects.
conference will be organised in following sessions:
- Sustainability science
of Interactions between Nature and Society
- Sustainability
Concept of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Thermo-economic
Analysis of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Space-time
Analysis of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- Models,
Simulation and Expert Systems Related to Sustainable Development
- Societal
Aspect of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
- New
and Renewable Energy Sources for Water and Energy Cogeneration
- Sustainability
Assessment of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Table on:
- "Policy and macro-economic framework conditions for promoting
sustainable energy, water and environment systems"
Conference Program |
FINAL conference program
(You can download FINAL conference program here (MS Word document, 150 Kb)).
Side events |
LIFECroCHP Side Event (Presentation of EC LIFE Project "Sustainable Development of Croatian CHP Capacity", June 18, 10:00, room A, Hotel Excelsior, Dubrovnik.
International scientific committee |
- Prof. N. H. Afgan, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Lisbon, Portugal, Chairman
- Prof. Z. Bogdan, University of Zagreb, Croatia,
- Prof. M.G. Carvalho, Instituto Superior Tecnico,
Lisbon, Portugal
- Prof. K. Hanjalic, Delft University of
Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, Co-Chairman
- Prof. N. Lior, Editor in Chief, Energy, Univ.
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA
Prof. F. Orecchini, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
Prof. L. Serra, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza,
- Dr. R. Vidil, CEA, Grenoble, France
Local organising committee |
- Prof. Zeljko Bogdan, FSB, University of
- Dr. Neven Duic, FSB, University of Zagreb
- Prof. Nikola Ruzinski, FSB, University of
- Dr. Zvonimir Guzovic, FSB, University of
- M. Ban, FSB, University of
- G. Krajacic, FSB, University of Zagreb
The Secretary of the Conference |
- Dr. Zvonimir Guzovic, FSB, University of
Scientific Advisory Board |
- Prof. I. Slaus, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia, Chairmen
Prof. R. Blinc, Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana,
- Prof.
B. Berkovski, World Solar Summit,
Paris, France
- Prof.M. Combarnous, University of Bordeaux, France
- Prof. L. Cortez, UNICAMP, Brazil
- Prof. R.M. Cotta, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Prof. M. Cumo, University of Roma
"La Sapienza", Roma, Italy
- Eng. P. Dietze, Langensendenbach, Germany
Prof. D. Durao, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. A. Favorskiy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- Prof. Ch.A. Frangopoulos, National Technical University of
Athens, Athens, Greece
- Prof. B. Frankovic, University of Rijeka, Rijeka,
- Prof. N. Ghaddar, American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Prof. K.R.G. Hein, University of Stuttgart,
Stuttgart, Germany
Dr. J.Hetland, SINTEF Energiforksning AS, Trondheeim, Norway
Prof. M. Hirata, Scibaura Inst. Of Technology, Ohmiya, Japan
Dr. D.E. Hyatt, EPA, USA Prof. S. Kakac, University of Florida, Miami
Florida, USA
Dr. M.A. Kasmo, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
- Prof. L. Kazmerski, National Renewable Energy
Lab., Golden, USA
Prof. N. Koprivanec, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. J.P. Launay, Commission Europeenne, Belgium
Prof. A.
Lekic, University of
Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Prof. H. Lund, Aalborg
University, Aalborg, Denmark
Prof. A. Marafie, Kuwait University, Kuwait Prof. N. Markatos, National Technical University of
Athens, Athens, Greece
Prof. J.P. Meyer, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South
Africa Prof. V. Naso, University of Rome
"La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
- Prof. T. Ohta, Yokohama National University,
- Prof. P.A. Pilavachi, European Commission,
Brussels, Belgium
Prof. N. Serman, FSB, University of Zagreb, Zagreb,
Croatia Prof. P. Stehlik, Brno Univerity of Technology,
Brno, Czech Republic
- Prof. B. Sunden, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Mr. A. Szollasi-Nagi, UNESCO, Paris, France
- Dr. H. Vandenborre, Vandenborre Technologies, Turnhout, Belgium
Prof. N. Veziroglu, University of Miami, Florida, USA
- Prof. B.X. Wang, Tsinghua University, Peking,
Conference venue : Dubrovnik |
- "Those who seek paradise on Earth should come to Dubrovnik and see
Dubrovnik." (George Bernard Shaw).
Dubrovnik is situated in the
southernmost part of the Republic of Croatia. Founded in the 7th
century, Dubrovnik is rich with cultural and historical monuments and is
included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. The city is surrounded with
the walls built between the 11th and 17th century. Its cultural
and scientific institutions include Museum at Rector's Palace, Cathedral
Treasury, Pinacotheca, Franciscan monastery and cloister, with one of
three oldest pharmacies in Europe (14th c.), the Cathedral (initial
funds given by King Richard the Lionheart), one of the European oldest
Synagogues, Marin Drzic Theatre, Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra,
Interuniversity Center. Nature lovers can find here true Mediterranean
landscape, and "enjoy the cleanest sea in the Mediterranean" (Jean
Jacques Cousteau). Dubrovnik International Airport is situated 22 km
from the city center.
Hotel Excelsior, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Contact |
- For all communication on Dubrovnik Conference 2003 on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems please refer to
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