Prediction of high Andean grasslands biomass in the upper zone of the National Sanctuary of Ampay-Peru for promoting an adequate management of natural grasslands
Grasslands are characterized by native non-forest vegetation, occupying a large land area worldwide. The study was conducted in the Andean National Sanctuary of Ampay, Peru, 3,500-4,500 masl. The purpose has been to evaluate the relationship between biomass, forage productive potential, degree of soil erosion, presence of valuable species for grazing. The three-step (Parker) method was used for natural pastures and the linear intercept for vegetation. From thirteen zones, distributed in three study areas (Yanacocha, Uspacocha, Faccha), herbaceous vegetation frequency results were obtained. The grazing carrying capacity was 1.2 animal units/ha/year. The most productive area with species desirable for livestock was Uspacocha, which had better soil conditions without overgrazing, while the least productive was Yanacocha. The predominant families in herbaceous plant associations were Rosaceae, Poaceae, Asteraceae; the study area was in regular conservation condition with few eroded areas. At present, the inhabitants of the communities surrounding the study area use many of the plant species for feeding, medicinal, fuel, fodder, and manufacturing purposes; being necessary to promote self-sustainable development by strengthening production units.