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Transition Management: Case Study of an Energy Efficiency Technology Roadmap in Turkey

Original scientific paper

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2014, pp 331-349
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.2014.02.0027
Şiir Kilkiş
Department of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)


This paper integrates several streams of literature in transition management and proposes a holistic framework for its application in policy-making. Separate fields of study, such as motors of change and strategic intelligence tools, are unified in a single analytical process. The process involves five steps that may be repeated until a desired policy objective is achieved. The pilot, integrated technology roadmap process that has been launched in Turkey is analyzed as a case study. The Energy Efficiency Technology Roadmap has been completed with the participation of over 160 experts in 5 different stages. It involved the collection of over 349 Delfi statements, their consolidation for a Delfi survey with 16 statements, the analysis of the results, a focal group meeting to develop roadmaps for the 7 selected goals, and the consultation of the roadmaps to the sector. The paper concludes that an integrated technology roadmap process, as described in the pilot case study, provides an advanced version of transition management, which is needed to mobilize research, development, and innovation for sustainable development.

Keywords: Transition management, Innovation system policy, Technology roadmaps, Energy efficiency

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