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Design and Implementation of a One-Seater Solar Car

Original scientific paper

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems
Volume 12, Issue 1, 1120487
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13044/j.sdewes.d12.0487
Seyed Ebrahim Esmaeili , Ahmad Aldandan, Laila Dallol, Majed ALdhefeeri, Othman AlSalili, Fatima Badreddine, Ghulam Hussain
American University of Kuwait, Salmiyah, Kuwait


This paper explained the detailed design and implementation process of a solar car at the American University of Kuwait. The design of the proposed solar car system represents a broader perspective on traditional solar or electric cars. It can be regarded as a hybrid vehicle that integrates solar power as a fundamental aspect of its performance, while also offering the option of direct plug-in charging. The proposed solar-powered 4-wheeled car uses two motors to increase the efficiency of power consumption, as both motors generate a relatively high torque and power ratio. The design of the car takes into consideration aerodynamics. The solar panels placement has a unique geometric shape to reduce air resistance thus increasing efficiency and stability on the road. To increase the total rated power to 810W, six panels are installed on top of the car. Each panel is capable of producing 135 Watts with an efficiency of 23%. Additionally, the car features two identical motor controllers paired with adjacent motors, contributing to a rear-wheel-drive experience. To safeguard the motor controllers, the system includes protective elements like an in-line fuse, which directly connects to the battery. The conducted testing of the implemented car validates the successful and adaptable design, offering promising prospects for an efficient commercial prototype of a solar car.

Keywords: Solar; photovoltaic; green energy; hub motors; battery,

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