Cotton Industry Waste as Adsorbent for Methylene Blue
Maria D. Tenev
, Alejandro Farías
2, Camila Torre
2, Gimena Fontana
2, Néstor Caracciolo
3, Susana Boeykens
1 Research Group on Environmental and Chemical Issues, National Technological University, Liniers 560, Resistencia, Argentina
2 Research Group on Environmental and Chemical Issues, National Technological University, French 414, Resistencia, Argentina
3 School of Engineering, Heterogeneous Systems Chemistry Laboratory, University of Buenos Aires, Av. Paseo Colón 850, Buenos Aires, Argentina
4 School of Engineering, Heterogeneous Systems Chemistry Laboratory, University of Buenos Aires, Av. Paseo Colón 850, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Removing dyes used in the textile industry from the water bodies is a relevant task because of the importance of their high toxicity. The cotton industry waste is a big problem in the final disposal. Waste cotton fibrils were studied as adsorbent material to treat the coloured effluents of the textile industry. Washing with boiling water was determined as the most efficient method for cleaning. The material was physical characterized. After that, methylene blue adsorption tests were carried out to review the dry removal process at different pH. The Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second kinetic order models best described this adsorption process. The results would indicate that the process involve a chemisorptions.
Keywords: Textile effluent, Dye, Methylene blue, Adsorption, Cotton waste.
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