Best posters are selected by the Poster Evaluation Committee during the poster sessions.
Recipients of this award receive certificates from SDEWES, along with a book authored by a member of the SDEWES International Scientific Committee. Posters co-authored by members of the SDEWES International Scientific Committee or Local Organizing Committee are not eligible for the award.
19th SDEWES Conference 2024 Rome, Italy |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Dr. Stanislav Boldyryev |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović (co-chair) |
Prof. Şiir KILKIŞ |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Prof. Xue-Chao Wang |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Mud Pump Electrical Load Balancing Control System Design and Field Testing on a Deep Drilling Rig |
Authors: |
Danijel Pavković with co-authors: Pietro Kristović, Mihael Cipek, Dragutin Lisjak |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Energy Narratives in Europe: Exploring the Link Between Online News and Citizen Behavior |
Authors: |
Roberta Jacoby Cureau with co-authors: Roberto Vestrelli, Claudia Fabiani, Andrea Fronzetti Colladon, Anna Laura Pisello |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Artificial Neural Network Optimization for Renewable Energy Systems: A Comparative Analysis of PSO, GA, and GWO for Predictions in a Syngas Gasifier |
Authors: |
Carlos Vargas-Salgado with co-authors: Jesus Águila-León, Tomás Gómez-Navarro, Dácil Díaz-Bello
18th SDEWES Conference 2023 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Dr. Stanislav Anweiler |
Dr. Stanislav Boldyryev |
Dr. Ana-Maria Cormos |
Dr. Yee Van Fan |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović (co-chair) |
Dr. Florian Schlosser |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Dr. Maria Vicidomini |
Dr. Bohong Wang |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Combined Theoretical and Experimental Approaches for Bacterial Aggregation Studies Towards the Improvement of Bioremediation Processes |
Authors: |
Diana Lía Vullo with co-authors: M. Alejandra Daniel, Andrea S. Gotting, Natalia Beraha and M. Florencia Carusela |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Thermal Performance Study of Different Phase Change Material Arrangements within a hybrid Windcatcher |
Authors: |
Olamide Eso with co-authors: Jo Darkwa and John Kaiser Calautit |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Potential Analysis of Agrivoltaics in Austria in the Context of Climate Change (PA³C³) |
Authors: |
Christian Mikovits with co-authors: Theresa Krexner, Iris Kral, Johannes Schmidt, Martin Schönhart, Thomas Schauppenlehner, Erwin Schmid, Andreas Gronauer and Alexander Bauer
2nd Latin American SDEWES Conference 2020 Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Diana Lía Vullo |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović (co-chair) |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Dr. Tomislav Pukšec |
Best Poster |
Title: |
Effect of incorporation of lanthanide promoters on the performance of a Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in the in-line biomass pyrolysis-reforming process |
Authors: |
Martin Olazar co-authored by: Laura Santamaria, Gartzen Lopez, Maider Amutio, Maite Artetx and Aitor Arregi Miguez |
14th SDEWES Conference 2019 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Amela Ajanovic |
Prof. Mário Costa |
Dr. Ting Ma |
Prof. Pawel Ocłoń |
Prof. Antonio Piacentino |
Dr. Liliana Proskuryakova |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Dr. Timothy Walmsley |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Simulation of Biogas Production from Agro-residues to Produce Bioenergy |
Authors: |
Ofelia Araujo with co-authors: Israel Bernardo Poblete and Jose Luiz De Medeiros |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Algorithms for determination of the vector velocity field in a two-phase gas-liquid flow |
Authors: |
Stanislaw Anweiler with co-authors: Grzegorz Ligus, Maciej Masiukiewicz and Marek Wasilewski |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Comparative Biosorption of Congo Red Dye and Hexavalent Chromium using Pleurotus Mutilus Biomass in Aqueous Solutions |
Authors: |
Ali Alouache with co-authors: Ammar Selatnia and Boubekeur Nadjemi
13th SDEWES Conference 2018 Palermo, Italy |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Mário Costa |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović |
Prof. Viacheslav Kafarov |
Dr. Şiir Kilkiş |
Dr. Goran Krajačić |
Prof. Zainuddin Abdul Manan |
Prof. Poul Alberg Ostergaard |
Dr. Jiri Pospisil |
Dr. Yee Van Fan |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Energy, CO2, Ethanol and Water Assessments of a High-Scale Sugar-Cane Based Biorefinery: Prelude of a Full Carbon Capture Scenarioy |
Authors: |
Ofelia Araujo with co-authors: Raquel De Freitas Dias, Hudson Carminati, José Luiz De Medeiros |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Simulation Models of an Electric-driven Smart Window: Energy and Visual Performances |
Authors: |
Antonio Rosato with co-authors: Sergio Sibilio, Giovanni Ciampi, Giuseppina Iuliano, Luigi Maffei, Michelangelo Scorpio, Manuela Almeida |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from residual municipal waste treatment |
Authors: |
Martin Pavlas with co-authors: Vlastimír Nevrlý, Ondřej Putna, Radovan Šomplák
3rd SEE SDEWES Conference 2018 Novi Sad, Serbia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Rade Ciric |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović |
Dr. Şiir KILKIŞ |
Prof. Predrag Raskovic |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
A vision for a cognitive campus network od universities: the learnscapes of Poveglia island |
Authors: |
Nicola Moretti with co-authors: Franz Bittenbinder, Che Liu, Fulvio Re Cecconi, Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue, Angelo Luigi Camillo Ciribini, Iva Kovacic |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Investigation od Diclofenac Degradation in Different Matrices |
Authors: |
Viola Somogyi with co-authors: Béla Varga, Mónika Meiczinger, Endre Nagy, Endre Domoko |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Influence od upgrading glass wall inside od building on thermal comfort |
Authors: |
Žana Stevanović with co-authors: Tamara Bajc, Mladen Tomic, Danka Kostadinovic |
12th SDEWES Conference 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Aoife Foley |
Dr. Şiir Kilkiş |
Prof. Antonio Piacentino |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Prof. Qiuwang Wang |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
The impact of Virtual Power Plant technology composition on wholesale electricity prices: A comparative study of some European Union electricity markets |
Authors: |
Blanca Moreno with co-authors: Guzmán Díaz, Fernando Anaya |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Fabrication of AAO Templates Using Different Heat Storage Capacities Salts for Thermal Energy Storage Systems |
Authors: |
Zafer Utlu with co-authors: Behiye Yuksel, Bengisu Yilmaz, Devrim Aydın, Gokhan Orhan, Saffa Riffat |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Phytoextraction by Taiwanese chenopod and Napier grass for heavy metals and comparison with soil excavation by life cycle assessment for two contaminated sites |
Authors: |
Chun-Han Ko with co-authors: Chih Chang, Bing-Yuan Yang, Jian-Ren Ho
11th SDEWES Conference 2016 Lisbon, Portugal |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Dr. Şiir Kilkiş |
Prof. Antonio Piacentino |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Solar Heating and Cooling Systems for Residential Applications: a Comparison among Different System Layouts and Technologies |
Authors: |
Francesco Calise with co-authors: Annamaria Buonomano, Cesare Forzano, Adolfo Palombo and Maria Vicidomini |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Historical Energy Security Analysis for EU Countries" |
Authors: |
Kenichi Matsumoto with co-authors: Michael Doumpos, Kostas Andriosopoulos |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Kinetics, Isotherm and Mechanism Study of Treatment of Cr(VI) Contaminated Waste Water by using Sorghastrum Nutans(L)Nash-Natural Grass |
Authors: |
Saroj Sundar Baral with co-authors: Surendran Ganesan and Saroj Sundar Baral
2nd SEE SDEWES Conference 2016 Piran, Slovenia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Dr. Şiir KILKIŞ |
Prof. Meng-Chieh J. Lee |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Prof. Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi |
Prof. Aleksander Zidanšek |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Energy Analysis of Different Chemical Storage Options for Carbon Recycling Purposes |
Authors: |
Benedetto Nastasi with co-authors: Beatrice Castellani, Umberto Di Matteo, Elena Morini, Mirko Filipponi and Federico Rossi |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
The Concept of Autonomous Power Supply System fed with Renewable Energy Sources |
Authors: |
Stanisław Anweiler with co-authors: Waldemar Fedak, Roman Ulbrich, Bartłomiej Jarosz |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Reaction Kinetic Study of Eosin B Wastewater Degradation and Mineralization by UV/persulfate Process |
Authors: |
Hung-Yee Shu with co-authors: Cheng-Yi Li and Meng-Ke Tsai |
10th SDEWES Conference 2015 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Elvis Ahmetović |
Dr. Iva Kovačić |
Dr. Goran Krajačić |
Prof. Zdravko Kravanja |
Prof. Meng-Chieh, Jeffrey, Lee |
Dr. Ting Ma |
Prof. Irina Mladenoska |
Dr. Hella Tokos |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Multicopter Platform Prototype for Environmental Monitoring |
Authors: |
Stanisław Anweiler co-authored by: Dawid Piwowarski |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
A new Framework for Design of Cost-Effective Hybrid Power Systems using Power Pinch Analysis |
Authors: |
Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi with co-authors: Nor Erniza Mohammad Rozali, Wai Shin Ho, Zainuddin Manan, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš and Mohammad Yusri Hassan |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Comparative Analysis of the Metabolism of Mobile, Micro-Communities in International Airlines |
Authors: |
Şiir Kilkiş co-authored by: Şan Kilkiş |
9th SDEWES Mediterranean Conference 2014, held in cruise from Venice to Istanbul |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović |
Dr. Goran Krajačić |
Prof. Zdravko Kravanja |
Dr. Zorka Novak Pintarič |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Sustainable Algal Microbial Desalination Cells |
Authors: |
Veera Gnaneswar Gude co-authored by: Bahareh Kokabian |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Energy System Analysis Tool for Exergy Transition Planning in Pilot Net-Zero Exergy Districts |
Author: |
Şiir Kilkiş |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
California’s Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires 33% renewable electricity generation by 2020 - Dream or Reality? |
Authors: |
Michael Walmsley co-authored by: Timothy Walmsley and Martin Atkins |
8th SDEWES Conference 2013 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović |
Prof. Natasha Markovska |
Dr. Petar Varbanov (chair) |
Best Poster no. 1 |
Title: |
Multi-mass Dynamic Model of a Variable-length Tether Used in a High Altitude Wind Energy System |
Authors: |
Milan Milutinović, Nenad Kranjčević, Joško Deur |
Best Poster no. 2 |
Title: |
Potential of bioethanol production from Taiwanese chenopod (Chenopodium formosanum) |
Author: |
Chun-Han Ko, Bing-Yuan Yang, Ya-Nan Wang, Wen-Hua Chen, Wen-Song Hwang, Yuan-Po Yang, Ming-Hsun Cheng, Hsin-Tai Chen |
Best Poster no. 3 |
Title: |
Novel Biomass Classification with Element-Value Method |
Authors: |
Hon Loong Lam, Chun Hsion Lim, Wendy Pei Qin Ng |
5th SDEWES Conference 2011 Dubrovnik, Croatia |
Poster Evaluation Committee: |
Prof. Zvonimir Guzović |
Prof. Natasha Markovska |
Prof. Luis Serra (chair) |
Prof. Vittorio Verda |
Best Poster |
Title: |
Removal of phenol from aqueous solutions onto activated carbon derived from bean crop waste by chemical activation |
Author: |
Murat Kilic, Murat Akdogan, Esin Apaydin-Varol, Ayşe Eren Putun |